Salchichon is a sausage elaborated with lean pork meat, with less than 10% of fat, salt and some spices such as black pepper. The stuffing process is made in natural big casing to obtain this thicker chorizo, in which we can slice it very thin and uniform
Our famous chorizo Maragato, stuffed into a natural hog casing and aired between 2 weeks. The result is a high guality traditional product, ready in just a few minutes and keeps the entire flavour of our chorizo Maragato
Packaged in vacuum 1Kg aprox
Our cured hams have a cure period about sixteen months, in some cases even more on the basis of size and fat conformation. But what it really makes the difference from others is the taste and smell, which reminds the slow slaughter process from the villages
Packaged in vacuum 470 gr. It is elaborated only and exclusively with lean pork, salt, red pepper, garlic and oregano and it is stuffed into a natural hog casing. This product is free of lactose and dextrose, which makes this product ideal on diets free of gluten and lactose.
It is one of the most representative products of our region, which one has...
Packaged in 7,5kg mesh aprox. Our Serrano Ham is made based on the best raw material and two points, no more salt than necessary, and slow and long periods of curing process. Our cured hams have a cure period about sixteen months, in some cases even more on the basis of size and fat conformation